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Collection: Olgivanna Wright's books
Ruckstull, F. W.. Great works of art and what makes them great .... New York; London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1925.
Kierkegaard, Søren, and Robert Walter Bretall. A Kierkegaard anthology. New York: Modern Library, 1938.
Keats, John, and Harry Buxton Forman. The poetical works of John Keats. London: Oxford University Press, 1946.
Iles, George. Science. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1909.
James, William, and Horace Meyer Kallen. The Philosophy of William James selected from his chief works. New York: Random House, 1920.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Fr. The philosophy of Hegel: ed., with an intro.. New York: Modern Lib., 1954.
Pythagoras, Antoine Fabre d'Olivet, and Nayán Louise Redfield. The Golden verses of Pythagoras. New York; London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1925.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust. New York: Collier, 1909.
Dobson, Austin. The story of Rosina: and other verses. London: Kegan Paul etc., 1895.
Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus: the life & opinions of Herr Teufelsdröck.. London: George Bell and Sons, 1898.
Brown, Sharon Osborne. Poetry of our times. Chicago; Atlanta: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1928.
Bolitho, William, and Alexander Woollcott. Twelve against the gods. New York: The Reader's Club.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Richard Aldington, and Rockwell Kent. The Decameron.. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Pub. Co., 1949.
Aristotle. Aristotle's Politics. New York: Modern Library.
Blyth, Reginald Horace. Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics. By R.H. Blyth.. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1948.
Blakeney, Edward Henry. A smaller classical dictionary. London; New York: J.M. Dent & Sons ; E.P. Dutton, 1928.
Baudelaire, Charles. Flowers of evil. Norfolk: New Directions, 1946.
Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. New York, N.Y.: Little, Brown, and Co., 1919.
Berdâev, Nikolaj Aleksandro. The beginning and the end. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1957.
Barr, Alfred Hamilton. Picasso: 75th anniversary exhibition : the Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 22-September 8, 1957 : the Art Institute of Chicago, October 29-December 8, 1957. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1957.
Bacon, Francis. Essays by Bacon. Chicago: Montgomery Ward & Co., 1883.
Bacon, Francis, John Milton, and Thomas Browne. Essays, civil and moral: and the new Atlantis. New York: P.F. Collier, 1909.
Asch, Sholem. The Nazarene. New York: Putman, 1939.
Adshead, Gladys L., Annis Duff, and Nora S. Unwin. An inheritance of poetry. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1948.
Adler, Mortimer J.. The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World. Vol. 2. Chicago: William Benton, 1955.
Collection: Louis Sullivan's books
Lance, Adolphe, and Victor Calliat. "Encyclopédie d'architecture: journal mensuel." Encyclopédie d'architecture : journal mensuel. (1851).
Richardson, H. H.. Austin Hall, Harvard Law School.
Fiske, John. The critical period of American history.. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1888.
Anonymous. Electricity in daily life: a popular account of the applications of electricity to every day uses. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1890.
Burnham, S. M.. History and uses of limestones and marbles. Boston: S.E. Cassino and Co., 1883.
Huish, Marcus Bourne. Japan and its art. London: The Fine Art Society, 1889.
Price, Bruce. "A Large Country House." (1900).
Richardson, H. H.. Ames Memorial Building.
Ramée, Daniel. L'Architecture et la construction pratiques ... par Daniel Ramée, .... Paris: Firmin-Didot frères, fils et Cie, 1881.
F. Hulme, Edward. Worked examination questions in plane geometrical drawing ... [etc.. London: Longmans, Green, 1882.
Muybridge, Eadweard, University of Pennsylvania, and Photogravure Company of York. Animal locomotion: an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements 1872-1885. Philadelphia: Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
Caine, W. S.. Picturesque India a handbook for European travellers,. London; New York: G. Routledge & Sons, 1890.
Moseley, Henry, and D. H. Mahan. The mechanical principles of engineering and architecture. New York: J. Wiley, 1875.
Rein, J. J.. The industries of Japan: together with an account of its agriculture, forestry, arts, and commerce. From travels and researches undertaken at the cost of the Prussian government. New York: A.G. Armstrong, 1889.
Minifie, William. A text book of geometrical drawing: for the use of mechanics and schools : in which the definitions and rules of geometry are familiary explained : with illustrations for drawing plans, sections and elevations of buildings and machinery, a course of linea. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1871.
Anonymous. "The Van Nostrand science series." The Van Nostrand science series. (1873).
Grimm, Herman Friedrich, and Sarah Holland Adams. The life and times of Goethe. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1880.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, and Bayard Taylor. Faust: a tragedy. Boston: Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1879.
Pennell, Joseph. Pen drawing and pen draughtsmen. Place of publication not identified: Macmillan, 1889.
Régamey, Félix. Japan in art and industry: with a glance at Japanese manners and customs. London: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1893.
Lavater, Johann Caspar, and Thomas Holcroft. Essays on physiognomy: for the promotion of the knowledge and the love of mankind. London: Printed by C. Whittingham, for H.D. Symonds ..., 1804.
Western Association of Architects(U.S). "The Inland architect and builder." The Inland architect and builder. (1883).
Arnold, C.D, and H.D Higinhotham. Official views of the world's Columbian exposition issued by the department of photography. Chicago, 1893.
Nüll, Eduard van der. Das K.K. Hof-Opernhaus in Wien von van der Nüll und von Siccardsburg: Gezeichnet von Paul Lange etc. - Gestochen von H. Bültemeyer, Ed. Obermayer etc. Text von Hans Auer.. Wien: Ad. Lehmann, 1885.
Bryce, James Bryce. The American Commonwealth. London: Macmillan, 1888.
Chamberlin, Everett. Chicago and its suburbs. Chicago: T.A. Hungerford & Co., 1874.
Whitman, Walt. Leaves of grass. Boston: Thayer and Eldridge, 1861.
Anonymous. American architect and building news.. New York: American architect.
Anonymous. "The Building News." The Building News..
Anonymous. "The Sanitary Engineer." The Sanitary Engineer. (1880).
Anonymous. Empfangs-Gebäude für den Central-Bahnhof zu Frankfurt.. Berlin: Wasmuth, 1881.
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. Compositions et dessins. Paris: Librairie Centrale d'Architecture., 1884.
Spiers, Richard Phené. Architectural Drawing. [With plates.. London: Cassell & Co., 1887.
Garnier, Charles. Le nouvel Opéra de Paris.. Paris: Ducher, 1880.
Pfnor, Rodolphe, and Daniel Ramée. Monographie du château de Heidelberg, dessiné et gravé. Paris: Morel, 1859.
Lucas, Richard, E Giesenberg, and J. A. Becker. Das opernhaus zu Frankfurt a.M.. Berlin: Ernst & Korn, 1883.
Chabat, Pierre. Fragments d'Architecture: Égypte-Grèce-Rome-Moyen Âge-Renaissance- Âge Moderne. Paris: A. Morel libraire-éditeur, 1868.
Erwerbeck. Rathaus zu Wiesbaden. Berlin: Wasmuth, 1883.
Raquenet, A. Matériaux et documents d'architecture et de sculpture.. Paris : Ducher.
Gurlitt, Cornelius, and Max Junghaendel. Die Baukunst Spaniens dargestellt in ihren hervorragendsten Werken: Aufnahmen von M. Junghändel, Text von C. Gurlitt.. Dresden, 1889.
Dohme, Robert. Barock- und rococo-architektur,. Berlin: E. Wasmuth, 1884.
Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. English cathedrals.. New York: Century Co., 1892.
Shaw, Richard Norman. Architectural sketches from the continent. London: Published by Day & Son Lithographers to the Queen Gate Street Lincolns Inn Fields. And by Thompson & Co. 45 Pall Mall S.W., 1858.
Gelis-Didot, Pierre, and Henri Laffillée. La peinture décorative en France du XIe au XVIe siècle. Paris.
Hefner-Alteneck, Jakob Heinrich von. Artistic wrought iron works: from the Middle ages and Renaissance period. New York: Helburn & Hagens, 1888.
Ferstel, Heinrich von, Victor Angerer, Heinrich Bültemeyer, Jacob Blechinger, Hermann von Riewel, and Ad. Lehmann( Wieden). Wiener Monumental-Bauten. Abth. 5, Abth. 5,. Wien: Ad. Lehmann, 1892.
Fritsch, K. E. O.. Denkmäler Deutscher Renaissance. Herausgegeben von K.E.O.F.. Berlin, 1882, etc, 1882.
Nicolai, Herrmann G.. Das Ornament der italienischen Kunst des fünfzehnten XV. Jahrhunderts: e. Sammlung d. hervorragendsten Motive. Dresden: Gilbers, 1882.
Dehli, Arne. Selections of Byzantine ornament. New York: W. Helburn, 1890.
Lambert, Aandré, Eduard Stahl, and H. E. v Berlepsch. Motive der deutschen Architektur des XVI, XVII und XVIII Jahrhunderts in historischer Anordnung: I. Früh-und Hochrenaissance 1500-1650. II. Barock und Rokoko 1650-1800. Stuttgart, 1890.
Lévy, Albert. Albert Levy's architectural photographic series. Second series, Second series,. New York: Albert Levy.
Nesfield, William Eden. Specimens of mediaeval architecture. London: Day and Son, 1862.
Anonymous. Illustrated catalogue of art tiles made by J.G. and J.F. Low, Chelsea, Mass., U.S.A. Chelsea, Mass.] : J. & J.G. Low, 1884.
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, and Benjamin Bucknall. Discourses on architecture,. Boston: Ticknor and Co., 1889.
Aqueduct Commission, New York, Aqueduct Commission, Benjamin S. Church, John C. Sheehan, and James C. Spencer. Report to the Aqueduct Commissioners, by the President, James C. Spencer, containing reports of the Secretary, John C. Sheehan, and of the Chief Engineer, Benjamin S. Church, giving a review of the work of the Aqueduct Commission to January first, A.D. 18. New York: D. Taylor, 1887.
Fréart, Roland. A parallel of the ancient architecture with the modern ... Made English for the benefit of builders. To which is added, An account of architects and architecture ... With Leon Baptista Alberti's treatise Of statues. By John Evelyn ... The second edition w. London: D. Brown, etc., 1707.
Taylor, J. W.. J W Taylor's American photographic series: illustrated catalogue.., 1893.
Anonymous. Gebrüder Armbrüster "Kunstschmiede & Eisenconstructions, Werkstätten," Frankfurt A/M.. Frankfurt: Gebr. Armbrüster.
Kinross, John. Italian Renaissance. New York: Helburn & Hagen.
Stokes, Margaret. Early Christian architecture in Ireland. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1878.
Lübke, Wilhelm. Grundriss der Kunstgeschichte. Stuttgart: Ebner & Seubert, 1887.
Bühlmann, Josef. Die Architectur des classischen Alterthums und der Renaissance. Stuttgart: Ebner & Seubert, 1872.
Raschdorff, Julius C., and Emil Ritter von Foerster. Palast-Architektur von Ober-Italien und Toscana vom XV. bis XVII. Jahrhundert Toscana. Berlin: Wasmuth, 1883.
Lübke, Wilhelm. Geschichte der deutschen Kunst von den frühesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart. Stuttgart: Ebner & Seubert, 1890.
Dolmetsch, H. Der Ornamentenschatz: ein Musterbuch stilvoller Ornamente aus allen Kunstepochen. Stuttgart: Hoffmann, 1889.
Brindley, William, and Samuel W. Weatherley. Ancient sepulchral monuments: containing illustrations of over six hundred examples from various countries and from the earliest periods down to the end of the eighteenth century : with descriptive and general index. London: Printed for the authors by Vincent Brooks, 1887.
Letarouilly, Paul. Edifices de Rome moderne. Paris: Pinard, 1872.
Molmenti, Pompeo, Dino Mantovani, and Ferdinando Ongania. Calli e canali in Venezia.. Venezia: F. Ongania, 1891.
Nash, Joseph, and Corbet J Anderson. The Mansions of England in The Olden Time: I-IV. London, 1869.
Gailhabaud, Jules. L'architecture du Vme au XVIIme siècle et les arts qui en dépendent: la sculpture, la peinture murale, la peinture sur verre, la mosaïque, la ferronnerie, etc.. Paris: A. Morel, 1869.
Oakeshott, George John. Detail and ornament of the Italian Renaissance: drawn by George J. Oakeshott.. London: B.T. Batsford, 1888.
Anderson, William J.. Architectural studies in Italy. Glasgow: Maclure, Macdonald, 1890.
Club, Intime. Croquis d'Architecture.. Paris, 1866.
Planat, P.. Encyclopedie de l'architecture et de la construction. 6.1. 6.1.. Paris: Dujardin et, 1884.
Sheldon, George William. Artistic country-seats: types of recent American villa and cottage architecture, with instances of country club-houses. New York: D. Appleton, 1886.
Wilkinson, John Gardner. The manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. New York: Scribner and Welford, 1878.
Baudot, Anatole de, Victor Calliat, Henri CHAINE, Paul GOUT, and Adolphe Étienne LANCE. "L'Encyclopédie d'Architecture, journal mensuel publié sous la direction de V. Calliat. (Un texte descriptif et des notices historiques par M.A. Lance.)." L'Encyclopédie d'Architecture, journal mensuel publié sous la direction de V. Calliat. (Un texte descriptif et des notices historiques par M.A. Lance.). (1851).
Anonymous. "Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics." Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics. (1851).
Schuyler, Montgomery. American architecture. New York: Harper & Bros., 1892.
Wheeler, Gervase. The Choice of a dwelling.., 1872.
Narjoux, Félix. Notes and Sketches of an architect taken during a journey in the North-West of Europe. Translated from the French ... by J. Peto. With ... illustrations.. London, 1876.
Fergusson, James. History of Indian and eastern architecture. London: J. Murray, 1876.
Ingenieurverein, Architekten- und. Hamburg und seine Bauten unter Berücksichtigung der Nachbarstädte Altona und Wandsbeck zur IX. Wanderversammlung des Verbandes deutscher Architekten- und Ingenieurvereine in Hamburg vom 24. bis 28. August 1890., 1890.
Petit, John Louis. Architectural studies in France. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1890.
Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. Henry Hobson Richardson, and his works. Boston; New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1888.
Gibson, Louis H.. Convenient houses, with fifty plans for the housekeeper Architect and housewife; a journey through the house; fifty convenient house plans; practical house building for the owner; business points in building; how to pay for a home.. New York: T.Y. Crowell & Co., 1889.
Statham, H. H.. Architecture for general readers.. New York, 1895.
Oliphant, Mrs.. The makers of Florence: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola and their city. London; New York: Macmillan, 1891.
Kirby, H. P.. Architectural Compositions. Boston.
Collection: Hillside Home School books
Anonymous. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated out of the Greek: being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881.. Oxford: At the University Press, 1881.
Wade, Mary H.. The wonder-workers. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1912.
De Quincey, Thomas, and William Edward Simonds. De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars. Boston: Ginn & Company, Publishers, 1901.
Guizot, François, Witt, Robert Black, and Mayo Williamson Hazeltine. France.. New York, London: The Co-operative Publication Society, 1908.
Pratt-Chadwick, Mara L., and Educational Publishing Company. The storyland of stars. Boston; New York; Chicago: Educational Publishing Company, 1892.
Jones, Ellen Lloyd, and Jane. The Hillside Home School Twenty-First Year 1908. The Hillside Home School, 1908.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. The song of Hiawatha. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1895.
Herbert, Victor. The World's best music. New York: University Society, 1909.
Shakespeare, William, and Samuel M. North. Shakespeare's as you like it. New York: American Book Company, 1910.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. Ballads. Boston: Joseph Knigh Co.
Tarbell, Ida. The early life of Abraham Lincoln: containing many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lincoln's early friends. New York: S. S. McClure, 1896.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, and Jeremiah Curtin. Quo vadis. Boston: Little, Brown, 1897.
Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Othello. Boston?: Ginn and Company, 1902.
Davids, T. W. Rhys. Buddhism being a sketch of the life and teachings of Gautama, the Buddha.. London; New York: Society for promoting Christian knowledge; E. & J.B. Young & Co., 1890.
Robinson, James Harvey. An Introduction to the History of Western Europe.. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1903.
Parker, Francis Wayland, and Nellie Lathrop Helm. A River Journey. [The Wisconsin River. With illustrations.. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1904.
Lytton, Edward Robert Bul. Owen Meredith's Lucile. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Maeterlinck, Maurice, and Alfred Sutro. The life of the bee. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1907.
Lowell, James Russell. Among my books. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1891.
Ibsen, Henrik. Little Eyolf. Chicago: Stone & Kimball, 1894.
Holmes, O. W.. The Autocrat of the breakfast table. unknown: unknown, 1900.
Lanier, Sidney. Knightly legends of Wales or, the boy's Mabinogion; being the earliest Welsh tales of King Arthur in the famous Red book of Hergest.. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1884.
Johonnot, James, D. Appleton, and Company. Neighbors with wings and fins: and some others, for young people. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1889.
Isham, Frederic S., and Harrison Fisher. The Strollers. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill, 1902.
Hunter, Robert, Charles Morris, and Thomas Henry Huxley. The new national dictionary, encyclopedia and atlas: revised to date. Vol. 1, 16, 18. Chicago: Belford, Middlebrook & Co., 1898.
Guizot, M, Madame Guizot DeWitt, and Mayo W. Hazeltine. France. Vol. 7. New York: Co-operative Pub. Society, 1869.
Gordon, Hanford Lennox. Indian legends & other poems. Salem, Mass.: Salem Press, 1910.
Drake, Joseph Rodman. The culprit Fay: a poem. New York: Carleton, 1870.
Hawthorne, Julian. United States, from the discovery of the North American Continent to the present time. Vol. 6. New York and London: Co-operative Publications Society, 1891.
Green, John Richard. England. Vol. 2. New York: Co-operative Publication Society.
Webster, Daniel, and Andrew Jackson George. First Bunker Hill Oration: 1825. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1894.
Durning-Lawrence, Edwin, and . Bacon is Shake-speare. New York: J. McBride, 1910.
Douglas, Robert Kennaway. Confucianism and Taoism. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1889.
Chambers, R.. Chamber's book of days. Vol. 2. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1891.
Caine, Hall. The eternal city. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1901.
Browne, William Hand. Maryland: the history of a palatinate. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1884.
Bradley, A. G.. Owen Glyndwr and the last struggle for Welsh independence: with a brief sketch of Welsh history. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1901.
Lobdell, Barton S.. The Atlas globe manual ; a guide to the study of terrestrial globes,. Chicago: Atlas school supply Co., 1904.
Anonymous. Seen by the spectator ; being a selection of rambling papers first published in the Outlook, under the title The spectator.. New York: The Outlook Company, 1902.
Robinson, James Harvey. History of Western Europe. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1903.
Sylvester, Charles Herbert. English and American literature: studies in literary criticism, interpretation and history ; in ten volumes, with numerous halftone illustrations.. Vol. 8. Chicago: Smith & Reeve, 1905.
Griggs, Herbert. The Beacon song collection for schools, colleges, and choral societies, number one. New York: Silver, Burdett & Company, 1895.
Mabie, Hamilton Wright, and Charles Dudley Warner. Library of the world's best literature, ancient and modern. Vol. 1, 16-19, 21, 24-28. New York: Peale & Hill, 1897.
Finerty, John F.. Ireland: the people's history of Ireland. New York: Co-operative Publication Society, 1904.
Hart, Albert Bushnell. Camps and firesides of the Revolution: source readers in American history, no. 2. Macmillan, 1903.
McCaskey. The Franklin Square song collection, devoted to school and home enjoyment. Vol. 1, 6. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1881.
The fourth book of vocal music: for high schools, academies, normal schools and institutions and classes of similar grade. New York: Silver, Burdett, 1905.
Palmer, H. R., and L. O. Emerson. The song monarch a collection of secular and sacred music for singing schools, day schools, conventions, musical academies, college choirs, and the home circle: consisting of musical notation and exercises, glees, duets, quartets, anthems, &c.. Boston: Oliver Ditson Company, 1874.
MacConnell, Marie Florence. Standard songs and choruses for high schools. New York: American Book Co., 1908.
Dickens, Charles. Great expectations. American Publishers Corp.
Hunter, Robert, and Charles Morris. The new national dictionary, encyclopaedia and atlas. Vol. 2-7, 9, 10, 12. Belford, Middlebrook & Co., 1898.
Geological, and Natural History Survey(Wis.). Geology of Wisconsin. Survey of 1873-1879.. Vol. 1, 2. Madison, Wis.: Commissioners of Public Printing, 1877.
Ball, Robert S.. Star-land: being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1892.
Hawthorne, Julian. United States, from the discovery of the North American Continent to the present time. Vol. 3. New York and London: Co-operative Publications Society.
Snider, Denton Jaques. The Shakespearian drama, a commentary: the histories.. St. Louis: Sigma Pub. Co.
McCarthy, Justin. The Story of Gladstone's Life. Macmillan, 1898.
Whitney, William Dwight, and August Hjalmar Edgren. A compendious German and English dictionary with notation of correspondences and brief etymologies,. New York: H. Holt, 1887.
Reclus, Elisée. The ocean, atmosphere, and life. Being the second series of a descriptive history of the life of the globe.. New York: Harper, 1873.
J. Jameson, Franklin. Dictionary of United States history, 1492-1897: Four centuries of history. Boston: Puritan Pub. Co., 1897.
Rambaud, Alfred. Russia: world's best histories.. New York: The Co-operative Publication Society.
Conway, Moncure Daniel. Emerson at home and abroad..
Guizot, M, Madame Guizot DeWitt, and Mayo W. Hazeltine. France. Vol. 1, 3, 5, 6. New York: Co-operative Pub. Society.
Winchell, Alexander. Geological studies; or, Elements of geology.. Chicago: S.C. Griggs and Company, 1889.
Spencer, Herbert. The principles of psychology. New York: D. Appleton, 1895.
Mackenzie, John Stuart. A manual of ethics. London: University Correspondence College Press, 1897.
Menzel, Wolfgang, George Horrocks, and Edgar Saltus. Germany, from the earliest period.. Vol. 1, 3, 4. New York: The Cooperative publication society, 1899.
Eliot, George. Silas Marner. Globe School Book Co., 1900.
Guizot, François, and Robert Black. Outlines of the history of France from the earliest times to the outbreak of the revolution. An abridgment of M. Guizot's popular History of France .... Boston: Estes and Lauriat.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: in five volumes.. Vol. 3. Boston, Mass.: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1883.
Marlitt, E.. The old mam'selle's secret. Hurst & Company.
Warren, Maude Radford. Composition and rhetoric. New York: Hinds & Noble, 1903.
Barry, John D.. The intriguers. New York: D. Appleton, 1896.
Albertson, Charles Carroll. Hymns of worship and service: chapel edition.. New York: Century Co., 1907.
Dyer, Thomas Henry. Pompeii: its history, buildings, and antiquities.. London: George Bell and Sons, 1891.
