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Andrews, Mary Raymond. The Perfect Tribute.
Jordan, David Starr. The Philosophy of hope.
Dickens, Charles. The Pickwick Papers.
Keats, John. The Poetical works of John Keats.
Cowper, William. The Poetical works of William Cowper.
Morris, William. The Poetical works of William Morris.
Gibran, Kahlil. The prophet.
Poe, Edgar Allan. The raven.
Browning, Robert. The Ring and the Book.
Van Sickle, James. The Riverside readers: first reader.
Kipling, Rudyard. The Seven seas.
Snider, Denton Jaques. The Shakespearian drama, a commentary: the histories.. St. Louis: Sigma Pub. Co.
Wilder, Thornton. The skin of our teeth.
Knight, William Allen. The Song of our Syrian guest.
Ruskin, John. The stones of Venice.
Rostand, Edmond. The Story of Chanticleer.
Turner, Harry Baker. The Story of the Island Steamers.
Munchausen, Baron. The Surprising travels and adventures of Baron Munchausen.
Shakespeare, William. The Tempest.
Veblen, Thorstein. The theory of the leisure class. 1899.
Dumas, Alexandre. The Three Musketeers.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Virginians.
Drummond, William Henry. The Voyageur and other poems.
Butler, Samuel. The Way of All Flesh.
The Western Architect. Chicago.
Key, Ellen. The Woman's movement.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. The Word of the spirit to the nation, church, city, home and individual.
Dickens, Charles. The works of Charles Dickens, Illustrated Sterling edition. Vol. 11 of 15.
Hemans, Felicia. The Works of Mrs. Hemans.
Burroughs, John. The Writings of John Burroughs.
Carpenter, Edward. Towards Democracy.
Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Hamlet.
T-Square. Philadelphia: T-Square Club of Philadelphia.
Bolitho, William, and Alexander Woollcott. Twelve against the gods. New York: The Reader's Club.
Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. New York: A. L. Burt Co.
Phillips, Stephen. Ulysses, a drama.
Raine, Allen. Under the thatch.
Hawthorne, Julian. United States, from the discovery of the North American Continent to the present time. Vol. 3. New York and London: Co-operative Publications Society.
Ashbee, Charles. [Unknown].
Gorky, Maxim. [Unknown].
Plato. [Unknown].
Pegler, Westbrook. [Unknown].
Phillips, Harry Irving. [Unknown].
Kipling, Rudyard. [Unknown].
Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevic. [Unknown].
Lao-tzu. [Unknown].
Parker, Theodore. [Unknown].
Field, Dorothy Johnson. [Unknown].
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. [Unknown].
Aristotle. [Unknown].
Anderson, Maxwell. [Unknown].
Agache, Alfred. [Unknown].
De Carlo, Giancarlo. [Unknown].
Noüy, Pierre Du. [Unknown].
Ellis, Havelock. [Unknown].
Fiske, John. [Unknown].
Pound, Ezra. [Unknown].
Pythagoras. [Unknown].
Millay, Edna St. Vincen. [Unknown].
Milton, John. [Unknown].
Mazzini, Giuseppe. [Unknown].
Socrates. [Unknown].
Thompson, Dorothy. [Unknown].
Twain, Mark. [Unknown].
Unamuno, Miguel de. [Unknown].
Tugwell, Rexford. [Unknown].
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich. [Unknown].
Van Dyke, Henry. [Unknown].
Schuyler, Montgomery. [Unknown].
Sherwood, Robert E.. [Unknown].
Tagore, Rabindranath. [Unknown].
Lippmann, Walter. [Unknown].
Paracelsus. [Unknown].
Prudhomme, Louis-Marie. [Unknown].
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich. [Unknown].
Lowell, James Russell. [Unknown].
Schiller, Friedrich. [Unknown].
Santayana, George. [Unknown].
Schopenhauer, Arthur. [Unknown].
Spinoza, Baruch. [Unknown].
Meredith, George. [Unknown].
Semper, Gottfried. [Unknown].
Herodotus. [Unknown].
Giacosa, Giuseppe. [Unknown].
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. [Unknown].
Wordsworth, William. [Unknown].
Froebel, Friedrich. [Unknown].
Whittier, John Greenleaf. [Unknown].
MacLeish, Archibald. [Unknown].
Voltaire. [Unknown].
Douglas, Clifford Hugh. [Unknown].
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. [Unknown].
Marx, Karl. [Unknown].
Zevi, Bruno. [Unknown].
Lardner, Ring. [Unknown].
Heraclitus. [Unknown].
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Fr. [Unknown].
Howells, William Dean. [Unknown].
Hickling, G.. [Unknown].
Gogol, Nikolai. [Unknown].
Grundvig, Nikolai. [Unknown].
Gilbert, W. S.. [Unknown].
Johnson, Samuel. [Unknown].
Hubbard, Elbert. [Unknown].
James, William. [Unknown].
Dewey, John. [Unknown].
Brownell, Baker. [Unknown].
Aristophanes. [Unknown].
Bryant, William Cullen. [Unknown].
Bacon, Francis. [Unknown].
Borrow, George. [Unknown].
Blake, William. [Unknown].
Shaw, George Bernard. [Unknown].
Beard, Charles. [Unknown].
Buddha. [Unknown].
Stein, Gertrude. [Unknown].
Burnham, Daniel. [Unknown].
Adams, Henry. [Unknown].
Thurber, James. [Unknown].
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. [Unknown].
Tarkington, Booth. [Unknown].
Channing, William Ellery. [Unknown].
Dante Alighieri. [Unknown].
Confucius. [Unknown].
Cram, Ralph Adams. [Unknown].
James, William. Varieties of religious experience.
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden.
Tolstoy, Leo. War and Peace.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. What does Christmas really mean?.
Tolstoy, Leo. What to do?.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. Wisdom and destiny.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. With Shelley in Italy.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York: Bigelow, Brown & Co.
Newton, Isaac. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended, etc. F.P.. London: J. Tonson; sold by Messieurs Smith & Bruce: Dublin, 1728.
Butler], Samuel [. Hudibras. Vol. 1-2. Cambridge: J. Bentham, 1744.
Goldsmith, Oliver. An history of the earth, and animated nature. Vol. 1-5, 7-8. Dublin: Printed for J. Williams, 1777.
Curtis, William. The Botanical Magazine. London: Stephen Couchman, 1794.
Addison, Joseph. The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison. London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, by J. McCreery, Black-Horse-Court, 1811.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.; Riverside Press, 1839.
Melville, Herman. Typee. London: Routledge, 1850.
Huntington, Daniel. A general view of the fine arts, critical and historical. New York: G.P. Putnam, 1851.
Shakespeare, William, and Charles Knight. The comedies, histories, tragedies, and poems of William Shakspere. London: Charles Knight, 1851.
Lance, Adolphe, and Victor Calliat. "Encyclopédie d'architecture: journal mensuel." Encyclopédie d'architecture : journal mensuel. (1851).
Baudot, Anatole de, Victor Calliat, Henri CHAINE, Paul GOUT, and Adolphe Étienne LANCE. "L'Encyclopédie d'Architecture, journal mensuel publié sous la direction de V. Calliat. (Un texte descriptif et des notices historiques par M.A. Lance.)." L'Encyclopédie d'Architecture, journal mensuel publié sous la direction de V. Calliat. (Un texte descriptif et des notices historiques par M.A. Lance.). (1851).
Anonymous. "Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics." Revue generale de l architecture et des travaux publics. (1851).
