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Subject: literature
Gilbert, W. S.. [Unknown].
Gibran, Kahlil. The prophet.
Giacosa, Giuseppe. [Unknown].
Fadiman, Clifton. "[Unknown]." (1943).
Dunne, Finley Peter. Mr. Dooley's opinions.. New York: R.H. Russell, 1901.
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. [Unknown].
Dickens, Charles. The Pickwick Papers.
Corneille, Pierre. Le Cid.
Dante Alighieri. [Unknown].
Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present.
Channing, William Ellery. [Unknown].
Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus.
Browning, Robert. Dramatis Personae.
Boccaccio, Giovanni. Decameron.
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne. Synnöve Solbakken ; Arne, and Early tales and sketches. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, Riverside Press, 1885.
Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward.
Anderson, Sherwood. Memoirs. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942.
Anderson, Maxwell. [Unknown].
Cabot, James Elliot. A memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Woodbury, Charles Johnson. Talks with Emerson.
Wilde, Oscar. The Ballad of Reading Gaol.
Whitney, Adeline. Mother Goose for grown folks.
Steadman, Edmund C.. An American anthology.
Sterne, Laurence. A sentimental journey through France and Italy.
Warner, Charles Dudley. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Riley, James Whitcomb. Home-folks.
Munchausen, Baron. The Surprising travels and adventures of Baron Munchausen.
Ruskin, John. The Ethic of the dust.
Rostand, Edmond. The Story of Chanticleer.
Kipling, Rudyard. The Seven seas.
Meredith, George. Short stories.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Nuggets from a Welch mine: selections from the writings of Jenkin Lloyd Jones.
Irving, Washington. Irving's sketch book.
Hemans, Felicia. The Works of Mrs. Hemans.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. [Memoirs of Emerson].
Emerson, Edward Waldo. Emerson in Concord: a memoir.
Burroughs, John. Birds and Poets.
Burroughs, John. The Writings of John Burroughs.
Browning, Robert. Men and women.
Kipling, Rudyard. [Thirteen works, editions of 1898-1911]., 1898.
Dante Alighieri. The vision, or, Hell, purgatory and paradise., 1921.
Poe, Edgar Allan. The works of Edgar Allan Poe. Vol. 6, 9. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1904.
Twain, Mark. Editorial wild oats. New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1905.
Lowell, James Russell. Memoir of Shelley., 1899.
Mann, Thomas. The tables of the law., 1943.
Arnold, Matthew. Tristram and Iseult., 1946.
Hope, Anthony. Rupert of Hentzau: being the sequel to "The Prisoner of Zenda."., 1898.
Dinesen, Isak. Seven Gothic tales., 1934.
Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron., 1940.
Kipling, Rudyard. The writings in prose and verse of Rudyard Kipling.. Vol. 14 vols of 25. New York: Scribner's Sons, 1899.
Kipling, Rudyard. Selected works of Rudyard Kipling. Volume one. Volume one.. New York: Peter Fenelon Collier, 1900.
Wilde, Oscar. The fisherman and his soul., 1929.
Butler, Samuel. Erewhon or Over the Range., 1942.
Pattee, Fred Lewis. Side-lights on American literature.. New York: Century, 1922.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, and Peter Anthony Motteux. The history of the ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha.. Vol. 2, 3, 4. Bigelow, Brown, 1920.
Woollcott, Alexander. Woollcott's second reader.. New York: The Viking Press, 1937.
Rilke, Rainer Moira. Letters to a young poet., 1934.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust.., 1890.
Khayyam, Omar, Edward FitzGerald, Vera Bock, and Peter Pauper Press. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam., 1949.
Dickens, Charles. The works of Charles Dickens, Illustrated Sterling edition. Vol. 11 of 15.
Barjansky, Catherine. Portraits with backgrounds., 1947.
Harris, Frank. Bernard Shaw.., 1931.
Burroughs, John. Works of John Burroughs. Vol. 1-7, 9-13, 15., 1904.
Harte, Bret. The Luck of Roaring Camp, and other sketches.. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1899.
Hosmer, James K.. A short history of German literature,. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1906.
Hale, Edward Everett. The man without a country,. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1905.
Poe, Edgar Allan, and John H. Ingram. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Edited by J.H. Ingram. Complete edition.. Vol. 1-4. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1874.
Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898.
Ibsen, Henrik. Letters of Henrik Ibsen. New York: Duffield & Co., 1905.
Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present. Vol. 10. New York: Scribner's Sons, 1898.
Carlyle, Thomas. Heroes, hero worship and the heroic in history. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1898.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, Charles Curtis Bigelow, and Temple Scott. The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. Vol. 10. New York: Davos Press, 1906.
Woollcott, Alexander. The Woollcott reader., 1935.
Woollcott, Alexander. Two gentlemen and a lady. New York: Coward-McCann, 1928.
Whitman, Walt. November boughs. Philadelphia: MacKay, 1888.
Verne, Jules. Hector Servadac.
Whittier, John Greenleaf. [Unknown].
Voltaire. [Unknown].
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden.
Tarkington, Booth. [Unknown].
Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection.
Sullivan, Louis H.. "Inspiration.", 1886.
Stein, Gertrude. [Unknown].
Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels.
Shaw, George Bernard. [Unknown].
Shakespeare, William. As you like it.
Shakespeare, William. Measure for measure.
Rolland, Romain. Jean-Christophe.
Richter, Johann. Flower, fruit and thorn...., 1876.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Émile.
Porter, William Sydney. The four million., 1906.
Rand, Ayn. The fountainhead.
Rabelais, François. Gargantua and Pantagruel.
Pegler, Westbrook. [Unknown].
Phillips, Harry Irving. [Unknown].
Parker, Theodore. [Unknown].
Parker, Dorothy. "[Unknown]." (1945).
Mumford, Lewis. Man as interpreter., 1951.
Melville, Herman. Moby Dick.
Lippmann, Walter. [Unknown].
Maclaren, Ian. A doctor of the old school., 1895.
Unamuno, Miguel de. The tragic sense of life in men and in peoples. London: Macmillan and Co., 1926.
Scarron, Paul. Les dernières oeuvres de Monsieur Scarron. 9, 9,. Vol. 1. Amsterdam: Mortier, 1704.
O. Henry. Whirligigs.. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page and Co. for Review of reviews Co., 1919.
Butler, Samuel. The way of all flesh. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1916.
Wade, Mary H.. The wonder-workers. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1912.
De Quincey, Thomas, and William Edward Simonds. De Quincey's Revolt of the Tartars. Boston: Ginn & Company, Publishers, 1901.
Pratt-Chadwick, Mara L., and Educational Publishing Company. The storyland of stars. Boston; New York; Chicago: Educational Publishing Company, 1892.
Shakespeare, William, and Samuel M. North. Shakespeare's as you like it. New York: American Book Company, 1910.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, and Jeremiah Curtin. Quo vadis. Boston: Little, Brown, 1897.
Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Othello. Boston?: Ginn and Company, 1902.
Lytton, Edward Robert Bul. Owen Meredith's Lucile. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Maeterlinck, Maurice, and Alfred Sutro. The life of the bee. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1907.
Lowell, James Russell. Among my books. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1891.
Ibsen, Henrik. Little Eyolf. Chicago: Stone & Kimball, 1894.
Holmes, O. W.. The Autocrat of the breakfast table. unknown: unknown, 1900.
Isham, Frederic S., and Harrison Fisher. The Strollers. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill, 1902.
Webster, Daniel, and Andrew Jackson George. First Bunker Hill Oration: 1825. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1894.
Durning-Lawrence, Edwin, and . Bacon is Shake-speare. New York: J. McBride, 1910.
Caine, Hall. The eternal city. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1901.
Blake, William. The writings of William Blake. London: The Nonesuch Press, 1924.
Addison, Joseph. The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison. London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand, by J. McCreery, Black-Horse-Court, 1811.
Burton, Richard Francis. Supplemental nights to the book of the Thousand nights and a night: with notes anthropological and explanatory 1 11. 1 11.. Vol. 1-7. London: Burton Club, 1886.
Burton, Richard Francis. The book of the thousand nights and a night: a plain and literal translation of The arabian nights entertainments .... Vol. 1-10? Place of publication not identified: Printed by the Burton Club for private subscribers only, 1885.
Anonymous. The Mabinogion: from the Welsh of the Llyfr coch o Hergerst (the red book of Hergerst) in the library of Jesus College, Oxford. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1877.
Forster, Edward Morgan. Two cheers for democracy. London: E. Arnold, 1951.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, and Charles Johnson Woodbury. Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson,. New York: The Baker & Taylor co, 1890.
Schiller, Friedrich. The works of Friedrich Schiller .... Boston: Wyman-Fogg Co., 1902.
Sandburg, Carl. The Sandburg range.. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1957.
Llewellyn, Richard. How green was my valley., 1949.
Lewis, C. S.. The abolition of man, or Reflections on education with special reference to the teaching of English in the upper forms of schools.. London, 1943.
Huysmans, J.-K, Samuel Putnam, J.-K Huysmans, J.-K Huysmans, and J.-K Huysmans. Down stream (A vau-l'eau) and other works: including Marthe, A dish of spices (Le drageoir aux épices), Critical papers (from Certains and L'art moderne), and a Twenty-year-after preface (to A rebours)., 1927.
Herzen, Aleksandr. The Memoirs of Alexander Herzen.. New Haven: Chatto & Windus, 1923.
Gide, André. Fruits of the earth. Translated ... by Dorothy Bussy.. London: Secker und Warburg (the Camelot Press), 1949.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Emerson's works .... Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1889.
Dumas, Alexandre. The black tulip. London; New York: T. Nelson, 1937.
Dumas, Alexandre. Marguerite de Valois.. London, 1922.
Butler, Samuel. The way of all flesh. London, 1914.
Dante Alighieri, Henry Francis Cary, Gustave Doré, Dante Alighieri, and Dante Alighieri. The vision of Purgatory and Paradise. London; New York: Cassell, 1910.
Woollcott, Alexander. Long, long ago.. New York: Viking Press, 1943.
Montesquieu, Charles de Seconda, and John Davidson. The Persian letters. Philadelphia: Printed only for subscribers by G. Barrie, 1896.
Blake, William, and Geoffrey Keynes. The letters of William Blake. Lond: Hart-Davies, 1956.
Dante Alighieri, and Henry Francis Cary. Dante's Inferno. Translated by the late Rev. Henry Francis Cary. [In verse.. George Bell & Sons: London, 1888.
Wilde, Oscar. The works of Oscar Wilde: including the poems, novels, plays, essays, fairy tales and dialogues. Six volumes in one.. New York: Walter J. Black, Inc., 1927.
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. Boston, Mass: Houghton, Mifflin, 1881.
Milton, John, and William Blake. Paradise lost, illustrated by William Blake.. Liverpool, Eng.: Lyceum Press, 1906.
Erasmus, Desiderius, and Desiderius Erasmus. Erasmus's praise of folly. London: Blackie and Son, 1920.
Carlyle, Thomas. Past and present. London: Dent, 1919.
Woollcott, Alexander, Beatrice Kaufman, and Joseph Hennessey. Letters of Alexander Woollcott,. Garden City, N.Y.; Garden City Pub. Co, 1946.
Whitman, Walt. November boughs.. Philadelphia: D. MacKay, 1888.
Twain, Mark. Mark Twain's notebook.. New York: Harper and Bros., 1935.
Twain, Mark. In defense of Harriet Shelley.. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1925.
Stephens, James. The Crock of Gold. London: MacMillan and Co., 1926.
Tolstoy, Leo, V. G. Chertkov, Ernest Crosby, , and Bernard Shaw. Tolstoy on Shakespeare; a critical essay on Shakespeare. Translated by V. Tchertkoff and I.F.M. Followed by Shakespeare's attitude to the working classes, by Ernest Crosby, and a letter from G. Bernard Shaw. by Ernest Crosby, and a letter from G. Bernard . New York & London: Funk & Wagnalls, 1906.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust. New York: Collier, 1909.
Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus: the life & opinions of Herr Teufelsdröck.. London: George Bell and Sons, 1898.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Richard Aldington, and Rockwell Kent. The Decameron.. Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City Pub. Co., 1949.
Blyth, Reginald Horace. Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics. By R.H. Blyth.. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1948.
Baudelaire, Charles. Flowers of evil. Norfolk: New Directions, 1946.
Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. New York, N.Y.: Little, Brown, and Co., 1919.
Adler, Mortimer J.. The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World. Vol. 2. Chicago: William Benton, 1955.
Anonymous. Seen by the spectator ; being a selection of rambling papers first published in the Outlook, under the title The spectator.. New York: The Outlook Company, 1902.
Sylvester, Charles Herbert. English and American literature: studies in literary criticism, interpretation and history ; in ten volumes, with numerous halftone illustrations.. Vol. 8. Chicago: Smith & Reeve, 1905.
Mabie, Hamilton Wright, and Charles Dudley Warner. Library of the world's best literature, ancient and modern. Vol. 1, 16-19, 21, 24-28. New York: Peale & Hill, 1897.
Dickens, Charles. Great expectations. American Publishers Corp.
Snider, Denton Jaques. The Shakespearian drama, a commentary: the histories.. St. Louis: Sigma Pub. Co.
Conway, Moncure Daniel. Emerson at home and abroad..
Eliot, George. Silas Marner. Globe School Book Co., 1900.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: in five volumes.. Vol. 3. Boston, Mass.: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1883.
Marlitt, E.. The old mam'selle's secret. Hurst & Company.
Warren, Maude Radford. Composition and rhetoric. New York: Hinds & Noble, 1903.
Barry, John D.. The intriguers. New York: D. Appleton, 1896.
Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudge. American Publishers Corp.
Bernardin de Saint Pierre. Paul and Virginia. Belford, Clarke and Co.
Zollinger, Gulielma. The Widow O'Callaghan's boys,. Chicago: A.C. McClurg and Company, 1898.
Dickens, Charles. The adventures of Oliver Twist: also, American notes, and Pictures from Italy.. Boston: Aldine Book Pub. Co., 1890.
Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. The story of Tonty. Chicago: A.C. McClurg & Co., 1906.
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn. Cranford. With a pref. by Anne Thackeray Ritchie.. New York: Crowell, 1892.
Collar, William C.. The gate to Caesar. Boston: Ginn & Company, 1892.
Allen, James Lane. A Kentucky cardinal;. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1894.
Lamb, Charles, and Ernest Dressel North. The Wit and Wisdom of Charles Lamb. With anecdotes by his contemporaries. Selected by E.D. North.. G.P. Putnam's Sons: New York and London, 1892.
Masson, Thomas L.. Little masterpieces of American wit and humor, volume II volume II. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1906.
Spectator. Seen by the spectator being a selection of rambling papers first printed in the Outlook, under the title The spectator.. New York: Outlook Co., 1902.
Riley, James Whitcomb. The Flying islands of the night., 1895.
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped, being memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour in the year 1751. Chicago: W.B. Conkey Company, 1900.
Steele, Richard, and Joseph Addison. Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's Club. Boston: Educational Publishing Co.
MacDonald, George. Within and without.. New York: Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 1872.
