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Collection: Authors read by Wright
Frankl, Paul Theodore. New Dimensions.
Giacosa, Giuseppe. [Unknown].
George, Henry. Progress and poverty.
Gannett, William Channing. The house beautiful.
Froebel, Friedrich. [Unknown].
Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco. The Masters of Ukioye. A complete historical description of Japanese paintings and color prints of the genre school ... as shown in exhibition at the Fine Arts Building ... New York, January, 1896, by W.H. Ketcham, etc. [With preface by F.W. Gookin.. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1896.
Fadiman, Clifton. "[Unknown]." (1943).
Dunne, Finley Peter. Mr. Dooley's opinions.. New York: R.H. Russell, 1901.
Dow, Arthur W.. Composition: a series of exercises selected from a new system of art education. New York: The Baker and Taylor Company, 5 and 7 East Sixteenth Street, 1899.
Douglas, Clifford Hugh. [Unknown].
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. [Unknown].
Dickens, Charles. The Pickwick Papers.
Dewey, John. [Unknown].
Cram, Ralph Adams. [Unknown].
Corneille, Pierre. Le Cid.
Church, Albert Ensign. Elements of Descriptive Geometry, with its applications to spherical projections, shades and shadows, etc..
Dante Alighieri. [Unknown].
Confucius. [Unknown].
Condit, Carl W.. The Rise of the skyscraper, by Carl W. Condit.. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.
Chase, Ilka. Past imperfect. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1942.
Carlyle, Thomas. Past and Present.
Chapman, Sydney John. Political Economy.
Channing, William Ellery. [Unknown].
Carlyle, Thomas. Sartor Resartus.
Bryant, William Cullen. [Unknown].
Browning, Robert. Dramatis Personae.
Brownell, Baker. [Unknown].
Boccaccio, Giovanni. Decameron.
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne. Synnöve Solbakken ; Arne, and Early tales and sketches. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, Riverside Press, 1885.
Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward.
Beard, Charles. [Unknown].
Anonymous. The Bible.
Berlage, Hendrik Petrus. "Frank Lloyd Wright." Wendingen IV (1921).
Bemis, Albert Farwell. The evolving house. a history of the home.. Cambridge, Mass.: The Technology Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1933.
Badovici, Jean. Frank Lloyd Wright, architecte américain.. Paris: Éditions Albert Morancé, 1932.
Saint Augustine. Confessions.
Ashbee, Charles. [Unknown].
Aristotle. [Unknown].
Anderson, Sherwood. Memoirs. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1942.
Anderson, Maxwell. [Unknown].
Agache, Alfred. [Unknown].
Johnson, Philip. "Built in USA: Post-war Architecture." New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1953.
Drexler, Arthur. "Built in USA: Post-war Architecture." New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1953.
Zevi, Bruno. [Unknown].
Wordsworth, William. [Unknown].
Woollcott, Alexander. The Woollcott reader., 1935.
Woollcott, Alexander. Two gentlemen and a lady. New York: Coward-McCann, 1928.
Whitman, Walt. November boughs. Philadelphia: MacKay, 1888.
Verne, Jules. Hector Servadac.
Whittier, John Greenleaf. [Unknown].
Voltaire. [Unknown].
Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel. The habitations of man in all ages., 1876.
Veblen, Thorstein. The theory of the leisure class. 1899.
Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. Henry Hobson Richardson and his works., 1888.
Thurber, James. [Unknown].
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden.
Tarkington, Booth. [Unknown].
Tallmadge, Thomas. The story of architecture in America., 1927.
Tolstoy, Leo. Resurrection.
Sullivan, Louis H.. "Inspiration.", 1886.
Stein, Gertrude. [Unknown].
Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels.
Spencer, Herbert. Synthetic philosophy.
Sheldon, George William. Artistic country seats: types of recent American villa and cottage architecture. New York: Appleton, 1887.
Shaw, George Bernard. [Unknown].
Shakespeare, William. As you like it.
Semper, Gottfried. [Unknown].
Shakespeare, William. Measure for measure.
Schuyler, Montgomery. [Unknown].
Samonà, Giuseppe. "Sull'architettura di Frank Lloyd Wright." (1951).
Rolland, Romain. Jean-Christophe.
Richter, Johann. Flower, fruit and thorn...., 1876.
Ruskin, John. The stones of Venice.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Émile.
Pound, Ezra. [Unknown].
Porter, William Sydney. The four million., 1906.
Poe, Edgar Allan. The bells.
Rand, Ayn. The fountainhead.
Rabelais, François. Gargantua and Pantagruel.
Pythagoras. [Unknown].
Plato. [Unknown].
Pegler, Westbrook. [Unknown].
North, Arthur Tappan. "[foreword to book by Raymond Hood].", 1931.
Plutarch. Lives.
Phillips, Harry Irving. [Unknown].
Parker, Theodore. [Unknown].
Parker, Dorothy. "[Unknown]." (1945).
Mumford, Lewis. Man as interpreter., 1951.
Mumford, Lewis. The golden day: a study in American experience and culture., 1926.
Nehru, Jawaharlal. Glimpses of world history., 1942.
Mumford, Lewis. The South in architecture., 1941.
Morse, Edward Sylvester. Japanese homes and their surroundings,. Boston: Ticknor and Co., 1886.
Millay, Edna St. Vincen. [Unknown].
Mullgardt, Louis Christian. "A building that is wrong." (1922).
Monroe, Harriet. "In the galleries." (1907).
Milton, John. [Unknown].
Melville, Herman. Moby Dick.
Mazzini, Giuseppe. [Unknown].
Lowell, James Russell. [Unknown].
Lippmann, Walter. [Unknown].
Maclaren, Ian. A doctor of the old school., 1895.
Lutyens, Edwin Landseer. The Lutyens memorial: the architecture of Sir Edwin Lutyens.
Ku Hung Ming. The spirit of the Chinese people., 1915.
Lea, Homer. The day of the Saxons., 1912.
Collection: Anna Wright's books
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. The Word of the spirit to the nation, church, city, home and individual.
Turner, Harry Baker. The Story of the Island Steamers.
Richards, Ellen H.. The Art of right giving.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. What does Christmas really mean?.
Cooke, George W.. Ralph Waldo Emerson: his life, writings, and philosophy.
Moody, William Vaughn. Poems.
Markham, Edwin. [Poems].
Jordan, David Starr. The Philosophy of hope.
Dole, Charles F.. Noble womanhood.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. [Poems].
Cabot, James Elliot. A memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Hearn, Lafcadio. Kokoro: Japanese inner life.
Hichens, Robert. The Garden of Allah.
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. English history for American readers.
Rovere, Antonio della. The Doge's palace in Venice.
Schuré, Edward. Orpheus and Krishna.
Marles, Gwilym. Gwilym Marles.
Channing, Edward. Guide to the study of American history.
Bradford, Amory H.. The Art of living alone.
Woodbury, Charles Johnson. Talks with Emerson.
Wilde, Oscar. The Ballad of Reading Gaol.
Whitney, Adeline. Mother Goose for grown folks.
Whiting, Lillian. After her death, the story of a summer.
Steadman, Edmund C.. An American anthology.
Zangwill, Israel. Dreamers of the Ghetto.
Wordsworth, William. Poems of Wordsworth.
Wilson, Anne. Boggy solitudes of Nantucket.
Whittier, John Greenleaf. Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier.
Whitman, Walt. Selected poems.
Whipple, Edwin Percy. Essays and reviews.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Virginians.
Thackeray, William Makepeace. The history of Henry Esmond.
Tennyson, Alfred. Tennyson's poems.
Sterne, Laurence. A sentimental journey through France and Italy.
Watson, William. Poems by William Watson.
Warner, Charles Dudley. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Van Sickle, James. The Riverside readers: first reader.
Van Dyke, Henry. The Mansion.
Stevenson, Robert Louis. A child's garden of verses.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. With Shelley in Italy.
Shakespeare, William. The Tempest.
Shakespeare, William. Merchant of Venice.
Schiller, Friedrich. [Schiller's Poems].
Sand, George. Consuelo.
Simmons, Henry M.. New tables of stone, and other essays.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poems of Shelley.
Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Hamlet.
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet.
Ruskin, John. Sesame and lilies.
Ruskin, John. The Crown of Wild Olive.
Riley, James Whitcomb. Home-folks.
Phillips, Stephen. Ulysses, a drama.
Münsterberg, Hugo. The Americans.
Munchausen, Baron. The Surprising travels and adventures of Baron Munchausen.
Ruskin, John. The Ethic of the dust.
Rostand, Edmond. The Story of Chanticleer.
Raine, Allen. Under the thatch.
Payne, William Morton. Little leaders.
Morris, William. The Poetical works of William Morris.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. Monna Vanna: a drama.
Lowell, James Russell. [Lowell's Poems].
Knight, William Allen. The Song of our Syrian guest.
Kipling, Rudyard. The Seven seas.
Kipling, Rudyard. Ballads and other verses.
Meredith, George. Short stories.
Maeterlinck, Maurice. Wisdom and destiny.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington. Lays of ancient Rome.
Kingsley, Charles. The Heroes.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. A Chorus of faith as heard in the parliament of religions.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Key, Ellen. The Woman's movement.
Keats, John. The Poetical works of John Keats.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. On the firing line in the battle for sobriety.
Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Nuggets from a Welch mine: selections from the writings of Jenkin Lloyd Jones.
James, William. Varieties of religious experience.
Irving, Washington. Irving's sketch book.
Hubbard, Sara A.. Catch words of cheer.
Hemans, Felicia. The Works of Mrs. Hemans.
Hart, Albert Bushnell. American History.
Hall, John. Questions of the day.
Haldeman-Julius, Emmanuel. The Color of life.
Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Conduct as a fine art.
Gatty, Margaret. Parables from nature.
Fiske, John. A History of the United States for schools.
